Internet Marketing World

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Monday, February 19, 2007

Popularity of Your Keywords

The keywords that you use for your website play a significant role in improving the ranking of your site in major search engines. So it becomes all the more important to check the popularity of the keywords that you plan to use in your website. It is this popularity count of the keywords that will help you determine the list of chosen keywords, with the most unused but relevant keywords coming on the top of your list. And these should form your target keywords that will be further optimized according to your website requirement.

Once you have a list of 20-30 keywords with you, you need to expand the list by experimenting and playing with these keywords using singular/plural word combinations, synonyms, or interspersing same keywords in different combinations, and so on. The idea is to come up with ample number of keyword combinations that might possibly be looked or searched by people on the search engines for your website. To check for the competing pages on Google, you should put the keywords in quotes in the search box, and this will give you the clear picture for the keyword that we plan to optimize for.The keyword density on your page should be in between 5-20% while optimizing. Remember that 20% of your search traffic reaches you through primary keywords and another 20% through the secondary keywords and other different combinations. The rest 60% is fractional.

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Harmful SEO effects on your Online Business

Many people think they are too smart for the web and indulge in different illegal and tricky techniques to get higher rankings fast. What they forget while wasting their sweat and blood on these tricks is that search engine optimization can be very easily and comfortably achieved without any hanky-panky. One of the biggest myths that some so called SEO (Search Engine Optimization) experts have is that once you know the exact workings of the search engines and the right tricks, you can fiddle with the results. But what they don't realize is that if they get caught, they can be banned for their whole lives from the search engines.

There are many out there who claim that submitting your website to over 300 search engines makes you visible to 100% of your target market. But let me inform you that leave aside 300, people would not be aware of even 10 search engines existing out there. It is only Google, Yahoo, and MSN that rule the roost as far as search engines are concerned, the rest are just not in people's knowledge or memory. Another myth that you need to dispel from your mind is that every website benefits from SEO and online marketing. If there are no visitors searching for your products or services, what's the use of spending money and efforts in it? You can easily find out whether there is a market for your products/services by availing our keyword search analysis service. Saying that SEO alone can improve your and your brand's access and incursion is false and deceptive. No doubt, SEO can help you get sales leads from search engines. But to convert those leads into customers or clients requires the united efforts of the website owner, marketing team, and internet marketing manager. So don't listen to people who tell you all these false things about SEO because they can have very dangerous and harmful effects for your online business presence, brand name, and profitability.
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Monday, February 12, 2007

Do You Know What SEO Copywriting?

SEO copywriting is completely different from print copywriting and we must understand this if we want to optimize our full website. SEO copywriting is the art of describing the process of developing the visible text that you see on the web page. As a webmaster you would want your website to be equally attractive to the search engines as well as the human visitors so that your website gets high ranking in search engines for the keywords/phrases targeted by you to best describe your products and services.

One major difference between normal print copywriting and SEO copywriting is that in SEO copywriting, you have to attract the attention of the search engine spiders so that they come and index your site. Keeping this in mind, not only the usage of right and relevant keywords but also the placing of those keywords in the webpage plays a very important role. You must be able to identify the right places and positions where to put the keywords/phrases.

You can make or break the popularity of your website and products/ services if you convey the right message to the right people. SEO copywriting is a highly creative, yet demanding job that expects you to think and act likes a savvy marketer who knows his/her audience well and uses the exact language that best translates benefits of products and services to the targeted audience.
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Saturday, February 10, 2007

Search Engine Marketing Succeed?

OPT-IN-LIST and Targeted Visitors are the two secret weapons to achieve SEM success with. It is the growth and prosperity of your e-mail list that will ensure more targeted audience and in the long run more sales and conversion rates. People buy from those sellers whom they trust and feel comfortable with. And there is no other better way of winning their trust as e-mail marketing. One way of bringing more targeted traffic to your site for free is joint ventures partners. These are people who will like to do business with you and finding them is not so difficult if you begin with small marketers. And always keep a list of the successful joint venture partners that you worked with. Another amazing way of succeeding in SEM is writing articles and submitting them to article directories as every article will link back to your site. And this will further improve your search engine rankings.

Not only this, you can join a marketing forum to bring in more targeted traffic as forums play a very major role in driving targeted traffic to your site. Link exchange also is a beneficial tool of bringing in massive traffic to your site as your site's link on others' sites makes you visible to more and more people and also helps improve your website's ranking in search engines. Similarly e-books and reports also act as viral online marketing tools as the readers have the flexibility to give away the book or reports for free to others and customize them with their own links. Last but not the least, PPC is also a way of increasing rankings and getting targeted traffic.
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Friday, February 9, 2007

Major Search Engine likes Content

“Content can make your website the king of all websites”. Yes that's absolutely true! Although the other best features like Frames, JavaScript, Flash, may disagree with you, but if you take a hard look at it, you will realize that content is really what makes or breaks a website!

If we analyze the top searches for a result in Google, MSN, Yahoo, we will conclude that more often than not, top SERPs share one thing in common i.e. “Simple”, “Well” and “User Friendly” written web pages. Invariably the top SERPs have well written and grammatically error free content to their credit contrary to the common belief of SEO experts that by using different SEO trick and techniques you can rank well.

See some more features that can help us attain Top SERPs:

a) Avoid Grammatical Errors because that shows your inefficiency and discomfort in writing and also deteriorates your chances of appearing in the top of the search engine results pages.

b) Update and refresh the content of the site as soon as possible. It is like giving oxygen to the Search engines, they will run towards it!

c) Paragraphs shouldn’t be lengthy to read. Same applies to the sentences. So make them short and curt by using bullets and numbered lists.

d) Make sure whatever you are writing has relevant terms that describe the site precisely and also descriptively at places.
e) Make sure that the content written for the site passes through the eyes of an expert. Even if you write the content of your site yourself, there is no harm in getting it checked from an expert.
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Thursday, February 8, 2007

Link Stuffing and Link Spamming

If you think by joining link farms and link with as many links as possible will make your site popular in major search engines, then you are on wrong way. Your bad linking habits and strategies might get you even banned from the major search engines. Link farming or link stuffing is the phenomenon where sites start linking to other websites for the only reason of increasing their website’s link popularity without even bothering to check whether they are linking to relevant and related websites or not. Google has come to understand this bad trick of some unethical webmasters and hates link farms. And anyone who indulges in link farming is branded spam by Google and may even get removed from Google’s index.

The reason being that Google does not want irrelevant websites to be linked with others as it decreases the site's value to visitors and damages the image of the Web as provider of useful content to the visitors. Just imagine a Health site linking to a music site does not make sense at all. The major search engines are taking a very serious stand against all link farmers and Google’s spam policy states clearly to disregard link stuffing when building the index and computing static rank and to reduce the static rank of documents containing it. Linking is good it generate good traffic on your website, but only with related and relevant websites; otherwise you are just calling trouble for your website.
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Tuesday, February 6, 2007

Signals of Crap

Every time we were talking about “signals of quality”. Why don't we try and compile a list of possible "signals of crap"?

I realize that many of the list items would logically just be a perceived "signal of quality" reversed but if we all dig down into our experience then this exercise just might bring up a few unique and useful insights. I need to discuss some points of “signals of crap” (in other words draw backs in our SEO or development process). Here's a start:

1.) Reciprocal link request pages.
2.) No Privacy policy.
3.) Outdated copyright date or last modified date visible on the pages.
4.) Error pages that don't send 404 headers or send content regardless of the page requested/query string entered.
5.) Massive numbers of incoming links from link farms.
6.) Dead/404ing links.
7.) High link churn.
8.) No published contact address, email address or phone number.
9.) A high bounce rate (surfers clicking back on their browser and selecting another search result).
10.) Too much duplicate content.
11.) Whose info for the domain which is the same as other domains previously penalized or banned. (Could also be true of ad sense publisher/affiliate ID's and other identifiable footprints)
12.) Use of/links to affiliate programs that are known scams.
13.) Domains previously used for spam or that are blacklisted.
14.) Stagnation (Site never changes)
15.) excessively long URI's/URL's (query strings or folder and file names)
16.) A high percentage of affiliate links vs. regular outbound links.
17.) No / very few outbound links.
18.) No / very few inbound links.
19.) All inbound links are to homepage only.
20.) Outbound links to questionable/spammy/crap sites.
21.) Profanity or explicitly adult language on a non-adult site.
22.) Too many spelling errors.
23.) Contains unrelated subjects (ex: a site that reviews toys and tries to sell insurance or Viagra).
24.) Lack of interest from social book marking sites.
25.) MySQL or PHP errors in the pages.
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Monday, February 5, 2007

SEO Wealth

Great information for business owners about Internet Marketing. It has long been accepted that generating leads over the Web via search engine optimization (SEO) can be significantly less expensive than direct mail, ads in the Yellow Pages and e-mail marketing. Most companies providing SEO services charge a flat rate to get started, then a monthly maintenance fee. Typically, clients are told they can expect great results, but rarely are guarantees made. This is logical, because search engines are dynamic. You can't be sure about pushing a site to No. 1, or even to the top 10, for that matter. Think about it: Just as you are trying to get your widget site to No. 1, there may be 5,000 other widget sites competing for that spot (many of whom are also using an SEO company, and some of whom may be using the same company you're using). There is only room for one site to be No. 1, and there will just as certainly is somebody at 5,000 positions.

What this does, unfortunately, is put your money at risk. Every business owner who's done any advertising has probably bought an ad or two that was a total bust. That's what you're exposing yourself to if you pay fees to your SEO Company.Over the past few years, several SEO companies have moved to a model that allows them to be paid based directly on results.

I strongly advise any small-business owner considering search engine marketing to seek out one of these companies. It will help ensure that your SEO expenses are in line with your results. Over the years, too many business owners have spent tens of thousands of dollars on SEO services and had nothing to show for it.
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Sunday, February 4, 2007

List of Google Data Center Add URL’s

Find below the list of 84 Google Data Center Add URL's:-
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Friday, February 2, 2007

Internet Marketing

Internet marketing is the practice of getting your website visible on the major search engines (like Google, Yahoo!, MSN and others). Search engine advertising has emerged as the world's fastest-growing ad market since it generates new business and simultaneously increases brand awareness. For people who seriously think about increasing website traffic (the cumulative result of Internet users who visit your website), online advertising is a natural choice. Internet marketing strategies is inclusive of both natural search engine optimizations and paid placement, such as pay per click advertising (so that your website will appear within the "sponsored listing" sections on search results pages). Either of these strategies is geared towards certain targeted words/phrases and has the right "keyword density" within them for optimal Search Engine "Friendliness", and higher rankings.

Four S's of Internet Marketing -

Search Engine Optimization - Designing a website so that it ranks highly in the search engines when someone searches for specific phrases related to the site.

Search Engine Marketing - The overall Marketing effort to achieve high visibility of a website. SEO and PPC are Search Engine Marketing tactics.

Search Engine Promotion - Search Engine Promotion is the process of improving rankings, visitor numbers and utilizing search engines to promote brand awareness.

Search Engine Advertising - The process of paying money to search engines or directories to enhance a site's position; paid placement and paid inclusion programs are included.
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Thursday, February 1, 2007

Search Engine Marketing

• The act of marketing a website via Search Engines, whether this be improving rank in organic listings, purchasing paid listings or a combination of these and other Search Engine-related activities.

• A service offered by specialized internet marketing companies which includes increasing visitor traffic, via search engine optimization, PPC marketing, and monitoring of ROI. Also known as Search Marketing.

• The overall marketing effort to achieve high visibility of a website. SEO and PPC are Search Engine Marketing Tactics.

• The process and strategy of using Search Engines results as an advertising vehicle. This may include improving rank in organic listings, purchasing paid listings, or a combination of methods all designed to increase visibility, clicks and, of course, leads and orders. Related terms: Conversion rate, Cost per Click (CPC), Search Engine Optimization.

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Search Engine Optimization

Search Engine Optimization has emerged as the world's fastest-growing ad market since it generates new business and simultaneously increases brand awareness. For people who seriously think about increasing website traffic, Search Engine Optimization work is a natural choice.

• The process of designing and updating a website such that it is likely to show up in organic listings for relevant user queries.

• SEO is a process of arranging a web site's content to obtain high rankings in various search engines.

• SEO means Search Engine Optimization, a process of fine tuning your website to get higher rankings on Internet Search Engines like Google, Yahoo and MSN.

• Search engine optimization is a set of methodologies aimed at improving the visibility of a website in search engine listings.
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